How energy work saved my life.

After 10+ years of working in a fast-paced corporate environment, my mental health took a huge hit. One day, it came to a head, and my emotions started to pour out of me like a river. I was successful and had a great career, so I had no right to question where I was...right? Deep down, I knew this was not it for me, but where would I go? What else was out there?

The universe sent me a sign, and I found a Life Activation practitioner. At this point in my life, spirituality was not something I thought about it, but something in me said, "take the chance". Things could not get worse, and I was at my breaking point.

Fast forward a few months later, the amount of peace that I feel within myself, and my ability to manage stress, have allowed me to take each day as it came. My close relationships started to bloom because I was not so reactive to stress.

I believed in the process so much that I became a Life Activation practitioner to share the experience with others.

selective focus photography of woman holding yellow petaled flowers
selective focus photography of woman holding yellow petaled flowers
man in white shirt and black shorts standing on rock formation near body of water during
man in white shirt and black shorts standing on rock formation near body of water during

Have any of the thoughts below ever crossed your mind?

  • Are you looking for something, but you don't quite know what it is?

  • Do others tell you that you should feel successful, but you feel something is missing?

  • Do you have relationships in your life that you find difficult or would like to make better?

  • Are there certain aspects of your life that you would like to elevate?

If any of this resonates with you, I would love to connect for a FREE 30 minute exploration session.

During this session, we will explore your goals and needs. My goal is to help you find the support you need.

How can I support you?

What makes me different?

I see myself as a guide and partner to help you navigate the complex spirit that you are. The mind can only take you so far. Coaching & energy work unlocks the center of your compass, so that your heart will lead you to joy.

As an ICF certified coach, I am trained to guide you in finding the answers within yourself so they align with your path. If the choices that you make are not your own truth, you will not be fulfilled, and committed to the outcome.

Energy work is used as a supportive tool to hold space for your potential, so that you can walk through. Through my personal experience, it helps to release pieces of yourself that are not your true essence and holding you back.

YOU are the greatest project that you will ever work on!