Hello, I am Laura Howell - Founder of Sol Purpose

Sol Purpose was created to be a supportive anchor and safe space for those that want to explore parts of themselves that they have not been able to journey through, or have pushed aside.

Throughout life, we are thrown curve balls that we may not always know how to deal with. It can take space to ask specific questions about where you are and what you want,

From there, you need to gain acceptance of that realization, as well as time to process emotions, and then plans to put your next steps into action.

As you connect to your soul's purpose, you will feel empowered to bring your authentic self, which will spark passion and joy.

brown tree trunk on green grass field during daytime
brown tree trunk on green grass field during daytime

Growing up, I had what some would call a "normal" life, but along the way, things changed. I faced a lot of bullying, and deep wounds in my teen years. Eventually, this led me to substance abuse, and food addiction. My addictions allowed me to push my true nature and feelings down until I did not have to feel anymore.

As I grew up, I threw myself into my work. This allowed me to become extremely successful at a young age, but was just another avenue to hide the pain that I was unwilling to process.

One day, the stress of my job, and all of my responsibilities came crashing down on me. I was emotional. I was angry. I had hope, but it was dwindling. Something had to change.

I knew something was out there for me, but I did not know how to put it into words. I am not sure how I found the "Modern Mystery School" website. I should say that it found me. Everything in my head said, "Energy work was weird and would never work", but my heart said, "You know you were meant to be here". So, I took the leap.

After my life activation, my life has changed tremendously.

My path has led me on a windy road, but I would not change any of it. It has molded me into the person I am today.

Let's be honest - Life can be difficult...
...but it can also be so beautiful.

Why I Coach

person's hand reaching on water with reflection ]
person's hand reaching on water with reflection ]

I believe everyone has special talents that they bring to the world. The world is not changed by everyone fitting in. The world is changed by everyone stepping into their true essence, and bringing those special gifts to the world.

My goal, with every interaction, is to provide a safe space to be open and vulnerable, so that healing and transformation is possible.

Transformation happens when you are honest with yourself about where you are, and where you want to be.

Let's co-create a space of support, so that you can actualize your dreams!

My Values


Being honest and vulnerable for our sessions because that is where the real work starts. This includes not offering services that I do not feel would be of your highest good.


You have all the answers within you, but everyone needs support at different stages in their life.


You deserve individualized attention for your needs. There are too many programs out there that cater to the masses. At certain times in your life, you need direct attention to navigate life's many challenges.


Certified Life Activation Practitioner and Ritual Master with the Modern Mystery School

ACC certified coach through the International Coaching Federation